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Sony psp2 on the shelves by Christmas?


The Sony PSP2 mobile console, equipped with its generous creators with a touchscreen slider and two analog joysticks, may be available for sale already on these Christmas holidays, according to a source in the Pocket Gamer magazine.
And according to rumors - the new device will be very similar to the Iphone.

The coming miracle of technology will have a large touchscreen, which, moving upward, opens the joysticks hiding behind it and so on.
Also (oddly enough!) The equivalent of “App Store” will appear in the already existing Playstation Store, where future users will download games, as it was decided to save the already-dying UMD format from the disc slot.

Full specifications and prices will be announced at E3 in June.
a source

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56755/

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