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New iPhone developers go to the notary

It is not clear why Apple Apple fax copies of our notarized passports ... I always thought that documents of this kind should be apostilled and submitted in the original.

Now I am registering a second account in the iPhone Dev Program and I myself faced this stupid requirement. Here is what came from Apple:

Re: iPhone Developer Program / Documentation not notarized

We are currently in the process of reviewing your iPhone Developer Program enrollment information. We have received your faxed documentation but unfortunately it was not notarized. Will you please contact us at 408 862-7601.

When faxing this information to Apple, please include your ID number xxxx You can’t be able to activate your account.

Thank you for your assistance.

I found some more information here - link
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Enrollment? First to the notary

In April, Apple tightened registration requirements for individuals.

The registration rules for the iPhone Developer Program now say: “ The billing information must be exactly the same as the Program Enrollment Information. If this information doesn’t match, it will be delayed. "

Since all developers from the former USSR are obliged to pay for the participation of the program by faxing their bank card data, there are cases when due to negligence or a developer filling out a form or Apple’s clerk trying to remove a payment from a transferred card, the billing address may be corrupted and not match with the address provided during registration. In this case, the system will automatically block the developer’s account and Apple will require you to fax a notarized copy of your passport to identify the developer’s identity.

Until April 1, the developer in such cases was enough to send a support to the customer service with a car license or a passport reversal without any notary marks, but now it requires a notarized copy.

From January 1, 2004, in accordance with Article 26 of the Federal Law of 8 December 2003 No. 169- “On Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation”, the ban on notarization of copies of passports of citizens of the Russian Federation has been lifted.

In this case, it is necessary to notarize all the pages of the passport, which in spring 2009 costs an average of $ 50 .

It is unacceptable to testify the fidelity of an extract from a passport containing only a part of information about a citizen’s identity, in this case, the integrity of the entire document (passport) certifying the citizen’s identity is violated. Otherwise, it will not meet the requirements of the second part of Article 77 of the Fundamentals of the Law of the Russian Federation on the Notariate, according to which the correctness of an extract can be testified only when the document from which the extract is made contains solutions to several separate, unrelated issues, , the statement must reproduce the full text of the part of the document on a specific issue.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56738/

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