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case from muzykalki

School of Music. Accordion State Exam. white top, dark bottom, butterfly tie and all that. in the hall are representatives of gorono, oblon and others. We play ensemble some terribly famous piece. I was desperately entrusted with the third part (for the uninitiated, these are basses). it should be noted, I knew my part very approximately. moreover, if all the segments that I remembered gather in a heap, then there will be almost half of the song. for the rest of the half, the nerd was blowing for me, who purred the first batch.

It should be noted, the accordion has such a magic valve. he is on the side. you can quietly press it and idle the fur back and forth. it’s not immediately clear that someone is filonite. in short, half the song I was crawling back and forth with furs, chasing the mulk.

everything would be fine if at the end everyone ended up in a friendly major chord on squeezed furs (and this is an accordion squeak of a type - the ending of the song and the fur are compressed). I, fascinated by the mecagon, in this very place, the mitten is open on the most do not indulge. I stand like a goof, slam in the shadows. colleagues sizzle nerves. all type all in openwork. stand such, slim, neat. Well, I do not think for a long time I squeeze the fur, and inadvertently, instead of the trigger valve, I press some kind of terrible seventh chord, which is not your topic. close even. but he very juicyly completed our pathetic finale.
as I remember right now, such a half-sleeping, lulled muzzle of aunts from a horon, who snore sweetly to the beat. she jumped up and bullets in the ceiling. as in the sky. in a word, oil springs are full.

but I have a cool type of pet was. She is there all gorono, obnoxiously condemned as it should. type, this is our author's performance is. type, and it was intended.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5672/

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