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Free offices for top startups

StartupIndex and the Troitsky Technopark hold a competition among startups: the three winners selected by the jury experts will be able to rent an office in the technopark for free.

To participate in the competition, you must register your project on the website startupindex.ru and fill out the participant's application form . The expert jury will select no more than 20 projects that will participate in the final part of the competition. The winners will be selected in mid-May during the presentation session, where the authors will personally present their projects to the jury.

Applications for participation are accepted from April 7 to May 11.
The competition is held in conjunction with the IQ One Investment Company, ABRT and AddVenture venture funds. Representatives of these companies throughout the competition will follow the teams and will be able to make investment offers to some of them.

In addition to the free office, winning teams will receive:
The composition of the expert jury:
Already teams that have a business plan or executive summary of the project can take part in the competition. The developed product should be in the field of “Internet and New Media” (web services, online media, SaaS applications, mobile services, online games).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56711/

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