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Is Opera Turbo rather evil or good?

It turns out that Opera Turbo has one side (and for some it may be the main) property that can give a lot of headaches to network administrators, ordinary users and even just parents.

Suppose a corporate proxy is a cutter of unwanted traffic, where sites of a certain direction are blocked. Or maybe you have connected opendns, to block sites that are undesirable for you or for your children.

And now you are updating your favorite opera to the latest version and enjoy the wonderful opera turbo mode. And you are surprised to find that neither open dns nor the rules on the corporate proxy work anymore.
It is clear that the server of the opera is just a proxy. But notice how comfortable it is. We open the site, it is blocked. With one click (!) We turn on opera turbo and now, we are already connected to a stable and fast proxy server, which allows you to bypass the existing limitations. No need to look for lists of working proxies, or messing around with installing additional software. One click and you're done.

How do you think this is rather good or bad?

I suspect that if everything remains as it is, Opera Turbo servers will very quickly get blacklisted on various local proxies, Opera is unlikely to fall or even disappear from the corporate sector, and OpenDNS will not be able to offer anything to solve this problem.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56708/

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