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Learning from a distance or a bit about Moodle

How often we do not have enough time to pursue further education, starting from improving our knowledge of the English language, and ending with studying in higher educational institutions. But if you think about it, you can study without daily visits to the classroom, learn according to a schedule convenient for the student, without prejudice to the learning process.

Moodle to the masses!

A few years ago, studying at a distance seemed something incredible, but thanks to special programs and training systems, the lives of students and teachers became much easier. The Moodle system can be deservedly called the most popular. Developed by an Australian programmer, it has become a real helper for those who cannot spend several hours a day in the classroom. This applies to both students and teachers. Moodle is both a textbook and student workbook, and, at the same time, a teacher’s cool journal.
The spread of Moodle is due to its ease of use, and also because most of the modules of this system can be modified or modified by any developer familiar with Moodle. By the way, Moodle is mainly created in PHP, it is open source and has many features: students can study the material, take tests, do homework, communicate in voice chat with each other and with the teacher .... Each teacher can create his own course in which he will conduct online training for his students. Students can study in several courses at once.

As an example, take a couple of modules:

English by phone

This module will appeal not only to teachers who will be able to test students' knowledge without arranging tiresome tests and examinations, but also to students who can pass tests and at the same time do other things.
Here, the role of a teacher, as well as a list of questions, is ... an ordinary mobile phone. The teacher composes questions for testing and sets up the module in such a way that the student receives questions and answers to them after a certain period of time. The student, having received a question in the form of an SMS message, answers it, after which he receives a reply SMS, which notifies whether the answer was correct or not. At the same time, the system not only takes into account the number of correct answers, but also puts estimates and calculates the sum of points for each answer of this testing. So the teacher can only look at the corresponding column in front of the student's last name, in order to find out whether he passed the test or not.

Voice comments

Having completed a written work, say, an essay, it is always interesting to know not only the teacher's assessment, but also the opinions of other students, isn't it? For this purpose, various types of modules are provided that allow the student to receive not only written but also voice comments to his written works. This is especially valuable when learning foreign languages. It is important that the teacher can listen to all comments left by students on the essays of fellow students, and give their assessment not only to the author of the essay, but also to those who commented on it.

All modules are easily integrated, and each new idea, as a rule, quickly gets into open access, where every member of the Moodle community can use it, changing it and adjusting it to their needs.

Unfortunately, in the post-Soviet space Moodle is not as widespread as in the West, where teachers actively use it and constantly organize international conferences on the exchange of experience. But even here, more and more higher educational institutions are becoming attached to this system. Moreover, thanks to the design and interface common to all sites of this system, a person who is a little familiar with Moodle will not have difficulty in navigating on any resource of this system.

Moodle website

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56697/

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