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Web 2.0 conference in Minsk is looking for speakers

In mid-May, Minsk will host the third international conference Bynet 2.3
We expect 3 days and 600 people (especially if it is successful with partners and you do not have to make paid entrance. Even if it is paid, it is very modest).
Our common concept is to choose the most interesting speakers and give them enough time to teach the audience something useful.
The first day is technical . Programming, testing, design, development methodologies, hosting, hardware, web standards ...
The second day is humanitarian . Analytics, pr-advertising-seo-smo, internet marketing, presentations of startups, investments in startups.
The third day of the " video on the Internet ." All questions, “from ear to tail” about video - shooting, editing, software, coding, streaming broadcasting, video projects, video search.

Come to Minsk and speak!
Or, if you are from Minsk and at the same time a good speaker, then you simply must :)


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56693/

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