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2 reasons why numbered lists are easy to read

They save reader time.

1. Numbering makes the author structure the text and shows the reader its structure. This allows you to quickly , without full reading, understand the meaning of the item and decide whether there is something valuable for which you can get a grasp, or is it dupe and you can move on to the next item.

2. Naturally, the most important points go at the beginning and, if the first points turned out to be warriors, it becomes clear that all the others will be even bigger warriors and you can not read them at all.
This way of organizing the text is ideal for those cases where the text is so concise that the heading for it would be redundant. But not so simple and short to fit in one paragraph. Numbering creates super paragraphs. Hierarchical numbering for complex texts is even better, because allows you to quickly evaluate even more text.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56683/

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