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Pict.com is friends with Twitter!

Due to numerous requests from workers, we have made friends with our image hosting from Twitter.com. Everything works very simply: if you need to post a picture on Twitter, you upload it to Pict.com, click the Twitter icon in the Share it menu, enter data from your account, write a comment to the picture and that's it!

If you have any wishes for new features, we will be glad to hear and implement.
PS: Most of Habrapiplov’s comments on the previous Pict.com release ( http://habrahabr.ru/blogs/i_am_advertising/55918/ ) have been taken into account and corrected.

The plugin for Firefox has also been updated ( https://addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/10767 ). Now there you can draw a little;) Also it was added to the public directory, so now auto-updates will work.

Thank you all and good luck!

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56662/

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