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“Catastrophic” situation of the Belarusian provision - separating the wheat from the chaff

Read a fresh topic habrauzer fed , full of emotions and downright inciting hatred.
Recently, the Ministry of Communications received a letter signed by the leaders of leading private Internet providers, in which the situation is not called “catastrophic”. The providers promise in the near future either to close their business in Belarus, or to reduce workers by 60-80%. They remembered everything: cross-subsidization, the universal telecommunication service fund, pricing and quality of services, rental of cable channels and digital channels in Belarus, connection and maintenance of access ports, maintenance of subscriber lines, peering and payment for traffic in foreign currency. In fact, we are talking about an undeclared war to private providers from Beltelecom.

It seems to me that the author seriously goes too far. I will quote the website " Providers of Belarus " which is no less authoritative for me:
Beltelecom actually uses in its policy some methods that are not typical for competition in the field of telecommunications. However, knowing the caustic and provocative style of presenting the facts of the authors of this resource, you involuntarily begin to doubt how true the picture is painted with dark colors. After all, this business style is typical for a monopolist not for the first year, and there is no massive closure of providers. The final closure can be considered the connection of Forenet to the Highway, and the total number of private providers has not changed due to the emergence of the provider Next.
Aleksey Fedorinchik, the official representative of Beltelecom RUE, in a telephone conversation, called the very idea of ​​using the Internet for coupon nonsense, and the material in his opinion is more provocation.

The entire text of the answer to the attack is available here .

Both materials contain both facts and logical conclusions, although they contradict each other. But it still seems to me that the aggressive topic with the accusations of Beltelecom looks more like someone’s marketing move than unbiased analytics.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56644/

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