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"Bacteria" - batteries on live viruses

I just read an interesting article in “Izvestia” and decided to share information that I thought was quite informative and useful.

The concept of "virus" is often perceived as negative, although in fact viruses are different. Some of them are deadly, others are even useful. For example, bacteriophage and - these are useful viruses that fight against pathogenic bacteria in situations where conventional antibiotics are powerless. American scientists from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology have found a new use for bacteriophages and developed fundamentally new batteries that are harmless to humans and to the environment.

Technologists have suggested that the size of the virus allows you to create a nano-battery of bacteriophage, if you assign it a positive electric charge (bacteriophage is initially a negative charge).

A couple of years ago, scientists launched a new era in nanotechnology, creating a battery the size of a half-human cell. And now MIT scientists (USA), under the leadership of Professor Angela Belcher, have created a battery the size of a pinky nail. In the role of the anode and cathode - the same bacteriophages, and the solid polymer acts as the electrolyte and the battery. Moreover, the bacteriophages themselves formed the battery: in a conventional laboratory and at room temperature, they voluntarily joined nanotubes with high electrical conductivity. At the same time, the cathodes absorbed cobalt oxide and gold on their surface, and the anodes were coated with a thin layer of iron phosphate.

The resulting battery was tested in the iPod. Tests have shown that a battery based on viral electrodes worked three times longer than a regular battery. The downside is that the nanobattery retained its parameters for 100 recharges, and this is slightly less than the lithium batteries. But there are other obvious advantages: viral batteries are much cheaper, their production and operation are environmentally friendly, and also - most importantly - they can use any form at the electrode synthesis stage, which facilitates its use in a specific situation.

Scientists have set themselves the task - to develop a fast-charged powerful battery for electric vehicles . Perhaps it is this invention that will help to abandon gasoline engines, make a revolution in the energy sector and help to overcome the global crisis.

UPD Source - the latest issue of the journal Science

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56641/

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