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eTarget-2007: Getting Started

Different people playing different roles in the Internet advertising industry today, like yesterday, have a chance to cross over into a common area - the eTarget-2007 conference, for which the title “Managing Audiences and Advertising on the Internet” is just as true. The event has been organized for the third year in a row by the pillars of the Russian web, making it an expected event for the relatively small community of stakeholders.

As with any “on the level” conference, eTarget distributes the time between “academic” work (reports, round tables) and informal communication (exchange of business cards, “essentially” conversations). According to Igor Ashmanov, the head of Ashmanov and Partners , this year there were one and a half times more participants, and this indirectly confirms that the backstage exchange of experience has become denser. The program committee left exact statistics at the end of the second day, but the visual review of the 500-person hall did not doubt that there were few empty seats.

Recall that the main topics of the conference include: the Runet audience, the strategy and tactics of advertising communications, the analysis of their effectiveness, the practice of media and contextual advertising.
A press conference was held as part of eTarget-2007. Journalists, for the most part, were interested in the use of marketing tools in mobile services, as well as video advertising. The latter is really disturbing minds now, Anna Artamonova, marketing and PR director at Mail.Ru , said, and this year noticeable “shifts” are expected here. Mail.Ru is already working with a large advertiser, placing its clips in Video@Mail.Ru : a commercial video has been launched into a general stream, however, it is displayed on the main page. The advantage of “high position” is open and simple to users. Users can pay by sms for the best positions in the rating - like at Mamba , for example.

This story met the question of Igor Ashmanov: “Are political clips expected for the elections?”. “I think there will be both commercials and political advertising,” Anna replied, adding that all these orders would be coordinated with the law. Director of special projects "Yandex" Andrei Sebrant confirmed that "PR agencies are already looking with might and main for where that can be placed," - and not bypassing Yandex.

According to the program committee, the participants of the second day of eTarget-2007 will consider marketing as applied to mobile Internet services.

Habralyudi will be able to evaluate the strengths of the reports already read by listening to them - during the day we will upload audio recordings of some speeches. Records of the second day of the conference will follow upon its completion. The report by Sergey Spivak, the Director of Prior.ru, “Life after a Click-2 (THEY Return)”, which received the highest “citation index” on the first day of eTarget-2007, will be published separately, accompanied by an interview and pictures.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5663/

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