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Web Trend Map 4

A group of designers from the Information Architects team involved in designing interactive interfaces this week has prepared a beautiful scheme for those who are interested in finding out how the web 2.0 card of the Internet looks like in the mind of some people.

The map in the style of the Tokyo subway scheme, as well as the previous versions , is not only very beautiful, but also quite thoughtful. The original size: 6740 x 4768, it is in this resolution that 1,000 full-length wall (judging by the size) pictures will be printed. You can reserve one copy for yourself right now, with an approximate price of $ 50 including shipping.

Map in all sizes on Flickr! , convenient version for zooming on Zoomorama .
Information Architects via Gizmodo

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56627/

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