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I suggest to talk about monetization. I propose to speak not about the monetization of monsters like yandex, vkonktakte and classmates, but about all the others.

I have more than one monetized project. We tried different context services - Yandex, Google, Runner - all such pennies ... No such service could recoup the designer’s salary, the programmer and other expenses. Communication fee is not an option, it is a project killing.

We have come to the only effective option - the sale of advertising: banners, a catalog of companies. And it works very well. Yes, you need to invest in it initially: register a company, rent an office, hire managers. But if you approach this differently, look for “simple options”, then this will be already short-sightedness and a lack of performance.
If you do not agree with me - write how you monetize in practice your project. Please do not write "ideas" and "oh, that would be cool." If you have not implemented this or that idea of ​​monetization in practice, do not give it as an example. I repeat - here we are talking about projects "mediocre", not giants.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56622/

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