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Conference SQA Days 2009: program of speeches

A program of speeches at the SQA Days 2009 conference, which will be held April 23-24, 2009 in St. Petersburg, has been formed.

The conference promises to be very rich. On the first day there will be three tracks of reports, on the second day there will be master classes and round tables. The program of the first day has been completely formed, on the second day there may still be some changes in the schedule, as well as the lists of expert participants at the round tables are being clarified.

To participate in the conference you need to register .

The cost of one day of participation: 3 000 Russian rubles.
The cost of participation in two days: 5,000 Russian rubles.
Note: At first I tried to publish in the form of a plate in three columns by tracks, but it turned out ugly, so I made each track separately. In the form of a single tablet there is a document on Google: spreadsheets.google.com/ccckey = pCLYMEGJ3ZYJ4WP_h5BVaKg

Presentations in a slide show format (Day One)

Section 1

one.Romuald Zdebsky, Microsoft, St. Petersburg,
Quality Assurance through Integrated Software Development Projects - Present and Future
10: 00-10: 40
2Julia Nechaeva, NIX Solutions Ltd, Kharkov, Ukraine
Analysis as part of testing, or Replace “analytics” with testers
10: 50-11: 30
Flip chart session. Coffee break11: 30-12: 00
3Yury Tsyganenko, DataArt, St. Petersburg, Russia
QA as a service
12: 00-12: 40
four.Natalia Rukol, Acronis, Moscow, Russia
Effective test team management
12: 50-13: 30
Dinner13: 30-14: 30
five.Alexander Orlov, Happy-PM.COM, St. Petersburg, Russia
Developers vs. Testers. History of wars
14: 30-15: 10
6Mikhail Meriin, Vimpelcom, Moscow, Russia
Formation of a permanent and professional testing team
15: 20-16: 00
Flip chart session. Coffee break16: 00-16: 30
7Alexander Alexandrov, Luxoft, Moscow, Russia
Quantitative management of the testing process
16: 30-17: 10
eight.Askhat Urazbayev, ScrumTrek, Moscow, Russia
Agile Testing Guide
17: 20-18: 00

Section 2

one.Denis Ivanov, IT Consulting, St. Petersburg, Russia
The method of assessing the quality of the source code
10: 00-10: 40
2Alexey Lianguzov, Sun Microsystems, Inc., St. Petersburg, Russia
Methods of automating the search for incorrect unit tests
10: 50-11: 30
Flip chart session. Coffee break11: 30-12: 00
3Anna Knizhnik, Usethics, Moscow, Russia
Testing usability. Organizing and conducting from scratch
12: 00-12: 40
four.Varvara Strizhkova, Enkata, St. Petersburg, Russia
Development of a test automation framework using one or more tools
12: 50-13: 30
Dinner13: 30-14: 30
five.Alexander Fedorov, Acronis, Moscow, Russia
Quality control based on test design
14: 30-15: 10
6Alexey Kabanov, EMC, St. Petersburg, Russia
Automating Rich Internet Applications from scratch using the example of Flex
15: 20-16: 00
Flip chart session. Coffee break16: 00-16: 30
7Ilya Gavrilov, Exigen Services, St. Petersburg, Russia
Estimate the cost of test automation
16: 30-17: 10
eight.Sergey Revko, Intetics Co., Minsk, Belarus
Practical recommendations on the organization and conduct of automated testing
17: 20-18: 00

Section 3

one.Andrey Dmitriev, Sun Microsystems, Inc., St. Petersburg, Russia
Experience in setting up a new SQE team
10: 00-10: 40
2Denis Ivanov, IT Consulting, St. Petersburg, Russia
UML in testing
10: 50-11: 30
Flip chart session. Coffee break11: 30-12: 00
3Nadezhda Koshkina, Moscow, Russia
Employee needs and motivation
12: 00-12: 40
four.Vitaly Streliuk, Intetics Co., Minsk, Belarus
Setting the testing process in Agile
12: 50-13: 30
Dinner13: 30-14: 30
five.Tatyana Smekhnova, DataArt, St. Petersburg, Russia
“Raising a Real Tester” (Academic approach vs Practical approach)
14: 30-15: 10
6Pavel Stepanov, Sun Microsystems, Inc., St. Petersburg, Russia
Java SE quality control system
15: 20-16: 00
Flip chart session. Coffee break16: 00-16: 30
7Lilia Gorbachik, EMC, St. Petersburg, Russia
Testing Web Services
16: 30-17: 10
eight.Sergey Slesarev, Binbank, Moscow, Russia
Differences in the work of the tester in the software development of the company and in the bank
17: 20-18: 00

Master Classes and Round Tables (Day Two)

Section 1

one.Alexander Alexandrov, Luxoft, Moscow, Russia
Master class: Risks of testing
10: 00-13: 00
Dinner13: 00-14: 00
2Vladimir Kuvshinov, HP, Moscow, Russia
Master class: HP testing tools [subject to be specified]
14: 00-17: 00

Section 2

one.Denis Ivanov, IT Consulting, St. Petersburg, Russia
Master class: UML in testing
10: 00-12: 00
2Dmitry Lobasev, DEVPROM, Moscow, Russia
Master class: Testing in distributed teams
12: 00-14: 00
Dinner14: 00-15: 00
3Yuri Vetrov
Master Class: Usability Testing
15: 00-17: 00

Section 3

one.Vitaly Pomazyonkov, Moscow, Russia
Master class: Practice of automated data-driven testing in conjunction with Selenium RC + Selenium Grid + TestNG
15: 00-17: 00
2Round Table: Using open source testing tools
12: 00-14: 00
Dinner14: 00-15: 00
3Round Table: Training Testing
15: 00-17: 00

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56620/

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