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Wine Tricks or installing Windows components in Wine

It is surprised that on Habré there is still no description of the winetricks program and the advantages it can give.

Many have come across a situation where a Windows program needs some component to run. For example, .NET, Mono or DirectX.

Installing them with your hands is long and dreary - you need to search for distributions, download, specify parameters ... Especially in a situation where the installation of wine is performed for the first time and you need to install a lot.
The Wine community has solved this problem.

To facilitate this task, a great winetricks program has appeared . In the latest version, it has both a console and a graphical interface. The interface itself is extremely simple - the choice of package and the button to start the installation.


For the program to work correctly, we need the actual wine , cabextract and winetricks itself.

You can install the first and second through distribution packages, but WT itself will have to be installed by hand.

The latest version of winetricks can be taken at:

winezeug.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/winetricks (Thanks to TiGR for the link). The following is the outdated stable version.

$ su
# wget -c www.kegel.com/wine/winetricks -O winetricks
# mv winetricks /usr/sbin/
# chmod a+rwx /usr/sbin/winetricks
# exit

Run the program should be exactly under the user under which you are running wine, otherwise the software will not be installed where you want. Root rights are NOT NECESSARY.

Now run.

To open a GUI with a component selection:

$ winetricks

For semi-automatic installation (the name and description of the components are displayed by key - help):

$ winetricks "components names"

At the moment, winetricks knows about hundreds of different components and applications, including Mono, FireFox, .NET Framework, IE and DirectX.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56618/

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