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Evernote as it is or what Igor Ashmanov thinks

On April 2, the launch of the Russian-language version of the Evernote service was announced in the Evernote Corporation blog . It was launched in the United States in February 2008, right after an investment of $ 5 million * from the Troika Dialog venture fund (investments, as RBC reported, were allocated to a “cross-platform handwriting recognition solution”). To date, there are 900 thousand registered users of the English version.

Apparently, recognition goes quickly? Not always.

What is and why you need Evernote is easy to find out in the blog and on the site, but the fact that the project belongs to the company Evernote Corp., which is headed by Stepan Pachikov, is already more difficult to learn. Pachikov is the one with whom Posner is friends (the latter did not fail to boast an acquaintance with a real IT person in “One-story America”).


Recognition - the core of Evernote, the main thing is that it is technologically important. Notes using Evernote are made without scribbling - the device accepts text as an image and recognizes characters, turning the image into a document.


Localization of the service into Russian became the first, but not the only one. “This year we plan to transfer the service to another one of the main world languages. What exactly will be the next language is not yet decided, ”- says the vice-president of Evernote Corp. Dmitry Stavisky.

The fact that the second after the English language Evernote was Russian, in Evernote Corp. They are explained by the fact that the company has Russian roots (a company representative did not say that the investor also has Russian roots). In addition, Evernote was afraid to repeat the fate of Facebook: when the social network came to Russia, its place was already occupied by clones.


According to the director of Ashmanov and Partners, Igor Ashmanov, the service may well become popular in RuNet: “However, only if it fully meets the requirements of users, and the recognition system will not allow serious errors.”


The developers claim that Evernote is able to recognize any text, even Russian handwritten. But this is a rash statement. It does not fully correspond to reality.

For example, the system failed to recognize the handwritten text and only partly the machine number in the photo taken by the phone (of course, the quality of the photo left much to be desired, there was a lot of “noise” and the lighting blurred the numbers, but the number was viewed well).

So, the whole _n192mu number [199] _ Evernote didn’t react in any way. The same thing happened when entering the numbers _192_ and the combination _192mu_

Frustrated, we decided to try other combinations - when entering the letter __ and the numbers _199_, the service briskly selected too large a piece in the first case and accurately guessed in the second:

Failure comprehended Evernote and with the inscription “Microsoft”, Bill Gates with his Microsoft was not recognized, and the paint painted on the old booth is completely:

In the word "from", Evernote recognized the word "taiga":

and refused to work with text in a document that was turned upside down.

On the latter, however, Evernote had, it seems to us, every right - the recognition algorithm does not have to foresee a different arrangement of letters in the inscription. But as for the rest ...

Although it must be admitted that Evernote coped well with the search in cases where the picture was quite contrast, the word is written clearly and from left to right. Under these conditions, the size of the text did not matter:

The developers went along a promising path, having connected to the recognition process, in addition to the algorithm for determining symbols, linguistics, correcting words with errors by comparing them using a certain algorithm with a thesaurus. Due to this, the hope that with time Evernote will begin to read Russian better, remains.

The business model of the service is designed to sell paid accounts. For $ 5 per month or $ 45 per year, the user will be able to get “priority” (i.e., improved) text recognition in pictures, download ten times more information (compared to a free account - 500 MB against 40) and not watch ads.

Ashmanov again

Igor Ashmanov is sure that now everything can be sold on the Runet, the main thing is that this “everything” should be sufficiently “glamorous”. If so, then truly two types of resources are now truly glamorous in RuNet - dating and entertainment sites (even during a crisis, the average online gaming fan leaves the web at $ 9 a month).

That is what Mr. Pachikov will have to compete with.


* According to one expert who wished to remain anonymous (but in the domestic IT community, this person is authoritative to no less than Mr. Pachikov), the Evernote project budget amounted to $ 6 million. As far as we know, the investment will continue.

Author: Olga Fedina

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56617/

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