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Hunch.com is a great site from the creators of Flickr. The site for people who often need help in making the most simple decisions. Any, from "what kind of toothbrush I would have approached" to "what kind of wine I would have liked."

To start, the site offers in a free order to answer simple questions (at the moment there are about 900, but they are constantly updated) to determine your character and preferences. Further, everything is simple.
The more you tell the site about yourself, the more correct advice it gives you. Roughly speaking, the concept of the site recalls the principle of the Last.fm recommendations.

So far, Hunch is in a closed beta version and in English, but he has great potential.
In the presence of 5 invites. Invited will be able to continue the chain of distribution of invites.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56604/

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