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Russian-language resource about the cloud

Here the Ukrainian MVPs created an interesting resource. MVP is Ukrainian, and the resource is Russian-speaking. And what is interesting, the resource itself works on Windows Azure.

As the authors themselves write -
According to recent reports from Gartner, today the market for cloud platforms and applications is showing strong growth. It is assumed that from 2010 to 2013 cloud solutions will be in service with most of the 2 thousand largest corporations in the world. In short, the prerequisites for the opening of the resource On the road with clouds ( http://way2cloud.ru ), on the pages of which we plan to publish information about the cloud platforms Microsoft, Amazon, Google, Salesforce, etc. more than enough.

The regular blogs and publications of the authors of the project will highlight the development of cloud applications, innovations in the field of SaaS and S + S solutions, as well as examples of cloud scenarios for businesses and ordinary Internet users.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56594/

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