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What you need to know the organizer of master classes?

Since it has become fashionable to be the organizer of various seminars, conferences and workshops, but for many this is a new occupation and they are organizing for the first time to reduce the number of cones, I asked the organizer of the photo-festival “ Alternatives ” Alexey Popov to share their experience and write for habra people a little technical guide on organizing and conducting master classes ( who are interested, can read about the festival ).

Hello, dear users!

This article will not say how to find a team, come up with topics for master classes and agree with the leaders, where and for how much to rent the premises and equipment, and where to get money for the organizing part - let's say that you have all this.
This article is rather a generalized algorithm for conducting master classes, seminars, open lectures and other similar events designed for an audience of 30 to 300 people.

It is possible that each may have their own additions and clarifications to what is written, but the main points should summarize the process of preparing and conducting events directly.

The main stages of the organization:
  1. Attract and alert the audience
  2. Explore the place
  3. List the required
  4. Preliminary preparation of the venue
  5. Holding event
  6. Collecting reviews and analysis
  7. Afterword and debriefing

1. Attracting and notifying the audience

Any organizer bears double responsibility - firstly, before the audience for the quality of the event, and, secondly, before the invited lecturer or master class for the number of audiences. Since the first part requires writing a separate article, we will touch only the second part. To gather an audience you need the most efficient communication channels. They must fully comply with the interests of the audience and easily convey information. These can be posters, announcements in targeted media, publications on the Internet and so on. But the choice of channels and their use must be approached very responsibly, in particular, when using Internet resources, you must respect their rules and not make announcements where they will be superfluous, although the same can be applied to almost everything, including posters or razdatku.

Do not forget that in this case you must control how well your information is distributed - this information can be provided by preliminary registration. I note that if your event is free, then such data can not accurately reflect the number of people who come to the event, but only give an understanding of how effectively you act.

Equally important is the correct information about the time, place and program of the event. Do not be lazy to draw a map of the entrance (as an alternative, you can use online map services) and describe in detail how to get to the venue, as if the description would be addressed to your grandmother living in another city.

Send letters to all registered and can remind them on the day of the event with a short letter or call that you are waiting for their arrival.

2. Exploring the place

Most of the organizers not only go to the venue of their event for a long time before the event, but also try to get as much useful information as possible - the area of ​​the room, the presence of lighting (windows and lamps), the layout of the passage inside the building, the location of the toilets, where you can and can be placed pointers where there are socket groups and their voltage. Will additional equipment be needed and is it in place or should it be ordered separately?

It should be carefully collected (it is desirable that you already had with you something like a small questionnaire) and analyze all the information about the place. A big plus will be if you can attend another event that will be held in front of yours, to look around in an environment close to “combat”. Then, in accordance with the format of the event, you should consider how the space will be formatted - where the speaker will stand, how participants will be located, where to place equipment, banners and the reception desk, if any. Then proceed to the formation of a list of necessary funds.

3. List the required

Here is almost a standard set of equipment, which is usually required for a master class:

If it is difficult to reach the venue, make the necessary number of pointers (ideally, the person approaching one pointer should see the next one). Do not forget to take scotch tape, buttons, scissors or stationery knives.

If you want to have the data for exactly how many people came to the event, prepare lists of registered and blank sheets for registration. Prepare an event schedule to place it prominently. It is advisable to prepare press releases in case you are interested in your event.

Provide an opportunity to reserve several seats for the press, leading, important guests, organizers (as well as friends, acquaintances, relatives or those people who will definitely come and you would not want them to stand), to do this, make a sign with the words "Reserved" on the seat.

Do not forget that the organizers should be visible and stand out from all those who came - this can be achieved by T-shirts with inscriptions (or just bright in one color) or badges.

You should also think about the availability of water and cups for speakers (a new bottle of water should be prepared for each of them).

Well, if you want to keep the memory for yourself or come, take a camera or video camera (with a tripod, two sets of batteries and enough memory or tapes), but rather invite people who are in this pro.

Prepare light music for those who come in advance. For example, I like Coldplay.

4. Preliminary preparation of the venue

Beforehand (depending on the format of the event, this word can contain different time intervals, but to mean one thing, the main thing for you) before the event should come to the place and look around - everything is in the same condition as you described earlier and nothing is freelance or not new?

If everything is “regular”, then it follows a clear algorithm and a previously distributed range of tasks - to hang posters and signs, to prepare the room (to provide fresh air, to turn on / off the light), to connect equipment. It is important that you have enough time to repair or replace any part in case the sockets do not work or one of the devices fails.

All presentations should also be checked in advance. On this equipment. Often there are cases when the presenter simply did not open the presentation or the video file, because there was no necessary program or codec.

If you need internet for the event, check its operation in this room and have at least two connection options.

Always watch the time.

5. The event

This moment can be considered the final exam - after all, it will clearly show how well you did all the previous points of the algorithm.

At the same time, your main task is to conduct those who have come to their places and, before the main part of the event, provide them with comfort and light background music. And when the time comes, announce the beginning of the main part, introduce yourself, thank everyone for their interest in the event, say a small introductory word, which contains brief information about the event (for those who came to you just by chance, and there are sure to be, even if the event is closed and for the elite), announce the host and his subject and enjoy the action.

In addition, you must maintain order among those who have come and perform the function of a reference service. Be attentive and courteous - every member of your team is her face.

After the main part, your task is to help participants get out, having learned some of their opinions. And also it is necessary to ensure the previous order in the room and collect the equipment. And do not forget to remove the posters and signs - if you leave, others will not need them. The better you treat the room, the more likely it is that you will not be denied a new event.

6. Collect feedback and analysis

Try to get feedback from the audience that will point out your mistakes - this will help you to make the events better. For reviews, you can provide a book of reviews, tear-off parts for invitation (in this case, it is desirable to provide participants with means for writing), oral feedback after the event (this item can be added to the program as an “open dialogue with the organizers” or ask for it directly during the event) . In addition, you can ask participants to simply write an email.

Remember, reviews can be both positive and negative, while the latter are much more valuable and take criticism with gratitude, because a person spends time telling you a mistake that you will fix later.

Analyze all reviews and highlight the main mistakes. You should also pay special attention to tips, ideas and recommendations from the participants - many of them will be finds for you and your activities.

7. Afterword and debriefing

Often the event does not end with its holding
It should be remembered that from a week to a month after it, notes, publications and reviews about it will appear in the information field. Therefore, you will have to monitor the media and the Internet, as well as respond to each statement - either thankfully, or trying to smooth out negative feedback (and there will be such).

In addition, if you have the opportunity, be sure to post the results of the event, materials and presentations of presenters, photos or videos about the event.


I hope that the writing will be useful to novice organizers, and the more experienced ones will be able to complement everything I could have missed in the comments.

Good luck and new projects! :)

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56590/

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