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Laptop table

Speech in this topic will go about the table for a laptop to work in bed, or on the couch (well, in parallel, it is possible for my wife to have breakfast in bed :)

The fact is that I work at home, and constant sitting at the table — even for whatever comfortable chair — bothers me — and during the day everything just hurts. (This is even including some kind of getting up-warming up or something like that) Plus, the wife does not sit down at the table with the laptop - just lying down on a bed.

It was decided to purchase a table for work in bed. The review of the Kiev market in fact yielded no results - only one table was found in one online store - especially for work on a laptop for 500 UAH (62USD), but as expected there are none - and when they are not at all clear.

As an option, I decided to look at the tables from the breakfast in bed category, but according to the specifics of their performance — bumpers and so on — it would be inconvenient to work on the laptop. And their prices start from UAH 400 (50USD).
From real tables, mini-table.net was found, where you can really buy exactly what you want - but they do not offer delivery from Russia to Kiev. Moreover, the prices in terms of hryvnias start from UAH 800 = 100USD (correct if I am mistaken) + delivery = the amount for an innocuous table is somehow not ready to be laid out.

Also found were the tables of “craftsmen”, who sell them via the Internet, but for some reason, prices start from 130-140USD. They make them of wood (beech, oak), some know how to disperse and fold.

For all these reasons, it was decided to stretch my arms and make the table myself :)

It took about 2 hours to implement the idea: a trip to the store for materials + assembly of the whole house. So, from purchases in the hardware store, were made:
(further in the text all the pictures are links to a larger version)

- dostochka for the upper part of 44 UAH (5.5 USD):

- dostochka for the "legs" 16 UAH (2 USD):

which was subsequently repacked in half in the same store:

- 4 corners 5 UAH (0.6 USD):

- and screwdrivers (quite funny cost):

The table has several high legs, this is explained by the fact that the wife is in position, therefore there is a place for a tum :)


The amount of 72 UAH (9 USD), the pleasure of the work done, and the result:

Now work has become much more comfortable - you can change the place of deployment. The very same table is quite convenient, the last 3 days worked exclusively in bed, and this time of writing this article is no exception.

- the width of the table allows you to fully use the mouse - and not fidgeting with it over the blanket (in the sold tables you have to drag the mouse along the blanket)

- the surface of the table is not adjustable in the horizontal plane (meaning the slope of the surface)

One more photo:

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56577/

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