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Samsung NC10 - Vibrant and WiMax

good day
The familiar young lady decided to join the world of high technology and asked her to choose "something small and light." The choice fell on a netbook, the advertisement of which I saw in the recent issue of Computerra. I have been looking at it for a long time, but I could not fully appreciate the convenience of working with this little device. And then there was such a good opportunity to "heat the heat with someone else's hands" :)


Review is not a technical test netbook. Here you will not find measurements of the speed of the hard drive and the readings of the graphics adapter in 3DMark. This text is more likely to experience a netbook on personal experience for everyday tasks.
If you want to read how many parrots give out a netbook in tests, then you probably come here or here or even there.
And so ... personal experiences :)

A netbook appeared on sale recently - on March 23, that is, two weeks ago from today. And they offer us the following:


In details:
On the Samsung website
As can be seen from the description, the package bundle is seriously different from the “regular” NC10 - an extended battery and an integrated WiMax modem connected to Yota are included in the package. And, as they wrote on the “Computerra” forum, there is no blocking only on Yota


Fine dude

I do not know about you, but I personally do not like glossy screens. Therefore, in a strong plus of this machine write down a good, matte finish.
All netbook ports are spaced on the sides, so in order to stick a USB flash drive, you do not have to unwrap it backwards. Yes, and the chance to break the USB connector, unsuccessfully resting a netbook on the wall with a stuck device, thus, are reduced to zero.

The right side of the netbook

Left side of the netbook
VGA connector, to be honest, I already cause bewilderment. Is DVI not so common yet, and is it so difficult to make a DVI connector and attach a VGA adapter?

Power button
I really liked the design of the power button. It turned out almost like Sony.

Bottom of the netbook
As you can see, the manufacturer took care of good ventilation of the case and carefully decorated the whole bottom with ventilation grilles. But it seems that the netbook on the bed will not feel very good.

90% keyboard
The keyboard is very comfortable. You get used to it in just a few minutes, and this is not an easy turn. It was in minutes that I began to quietly type by the blind method. Bold plus for the fact that the Ctrl key is in place! And a small minus for the fact that the Home and End buttons can only be pressed in combination with the Fn key. But here you need to understand that compactness makes it necessary to make sacrifices. So, it is better to donate Home and End, than the standard letter layout.

Samsung has not regretted the indicators and brought as many as seven pieces to the panel.

Netbook for netbook
Also included is a convenient carrying case for carrying a netbook in a bag or backpack.


From the software, as I already said, Windows XP Home Edition SP3 is installed on the netbook, and from the additional software - various programs from Samsung and the eternal McAfee (for some reason I often meet it on laptops).
After the first power-up, the netbook configured Windows, split the hard drive in half (surprisingly, manufacturers usually break the hard drive in completely incomprehensible proportions to me, or simply leave one partition) and took a small part of the disk space under the hidden area with the Recovery zone


I tested the netbook in work. No comments were found. The resolution of 1024x600 is certainly not ideal, but noticeable progress after 800 * 480. For convenience, I had to tweak the standard Windows theme a bit and make Firefox easy to tune.

Slender Tuned Mozilla

Speed ​​performance

The Intel® ATOM ™ N270 processor is a slow, workhorse. Hyper-Threading, which seriously helped us on the Pentium 4, is also working to its fullest here. You can see HDTVRip with Doctor House without any problems, even Postprocessing can be enabled, but films in HD, alas, can no longer be watched. I, at least, did not. The processor at their reproduction was loaded for 100%. But it is hardly necessary. The screen is not the one to watch movies in high resolution.

House knows everything about the pseudokom


Extended battery is pretty plumper
Honestly, I could not put the battery. While I was chasing a netbook, I took readings from the battery several times. Here's what I got:

Of course, not 9 hours and 40 minutes, but 5 hours, in my opinion, this is more than enough.

Work with Yota

As mentioned above, the main key feature of this netbook is a built-in WiMax modem for work in Yota networks. Immediately after loading Windows, a pretty Yota utility window pops up in the lower right corner, where you can see the current connection status and signal level.

Also in the program you can view additional information:

Immediately on the Internet, Yota will not let you go, at first it will offer to register a device on the site and create an account.
But then you can use fast mobile Internet for free until May 31. And after the introduction of the network into commercial operation, the prices will remain at an acceptable level ( 900 rubles per month ).
I logged in with Yota too lazy and connected to my home WiFi network. Fortunately, 13 mbps from Corbina is enough for the eyes.
I will write more about the experience with Yota later. I would like to try working with Mobile WiMh at least in three different points of the city.

Personal experience

The most important thing for me was to check the reality of performing 4 tasks with it in a netbook game:

2 more left

I'll tell you what I got


As, in fact, comes from the name, the netbook should be a kind of tool for Internet communication. And what is the Internet communication without Skype? I was very attracted to the idea of ​​having a mobile device with the ability to connect to Skype anywhere. For this, and decided to put our netbook. In order to conduct a completely mobile, wireless experiment, I decided to chat through a BT headset.

In the presence of my was unpretentious, like 5 cents, Jabra BT125

Simple as 5 cents Jabra. It is, in principle, no more expensive
Pairing via Bluetooth with a netbook was quick and successful.

But working with Skype was a little disappointing. With the camera turned on, the processor load was oh-oh-oh.

With this, the netbook hung up a bit and the interlocutor on the other side of the wire stopped hearing me. But after a while, Skype apparently set up the quality and level of compression, and the other person could hear and see me normally.
In parallel, a very unpleasant moment emerged: the camera has no indicator showing whether it is on or not. Fat minus.
With the camera off, audibility was excellent. Bluetooth calmly took in across the room.
The test can be considered passed. Calling to the States without wires can be effortless. And even from McDonald's! But why do this? )

GPS work

Above, you could read that another task I wanted to solve with a netbook was to check mobile positioning. The first thing that came to mind was to screw the GPS to Google Earth. It would seem that could be more obvious. But it was not so easy.
I had a BT GPS receiver Digma BM110 .

Yellow tape dragged from Platform 2009
Such a simple stick with only one on / off switch and three lights. In spite of all its simplicity, it works at 5 and perfectly catches the GPS signal in the city and in nature, and with all this it lives for a very long time on battery power.

Magic wand
The netbook also swooped and mated the receiver via Bluetooth. It remains to connect to the GPS in Google Earth.
The first school I came across is that Google Earth requires 1024x768 resolution. But it is fine, Google Earth did not want to connect to my receiver. Poryskav on the Internet, I found that the possibility of full-fledged work with GPS is only in the Pro version and above.
And here, as always, craftsmen came to help us.
A little click through the pages of Google, I found a program with a simple name Goops. It was the bridge between the GPS receiver and Google Earth.

As you can see in the picture, Goops allows real-time tracking, similar to what we have in communicators with Google Maps and Yandex.Maps.

He almost guessed where I am
Of course, sensible people would work with Ozi Explorer, since it was intended for this, but I wanted to create exactly the similarity of a communicator with uploading maps from the Internet.
So, the test is also passed.

What do we have in the end? A miniature lightweight notebook that easily fits into your work bag.

Enter and exit. Great coming out.



Size comparison:

Samsung NC10 and Acer 5920G 15.4 "

Samsung NC10 and 992 pages thick book

Samsung NC10 and Orsio b721 + e-book

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56537/

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