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Bulldoc 0.4 released

My software product documentation project is one year old :)

I release the anniversary version 0.4

In general, I combed the project to some sufficient type and will move towards version 1.0, correcting bugs, adding themes and engines for highlighting the code.
In this release :

Simplified to a primitive project configuration.

Added a couple of forms to the web interface and now you can create a new book from there.

added support for css style file for the design of the book - it can be put next to the source. This is done for all kinds of tables, lists and other typography that you do not want to make in the theme of design.

the configuration of the bookshelf has been significantly simplified, and instead of different themes with the same design, the same theme is used to display chm, a monolithic html file, and a regular static site, but with different parameters.

Programmers usually use the term dogfood when they force themselves to use a product they sell :) I have been eating this dog food for a whole year now and I like it.

Article on Habré about the program

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56534/

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