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Pyramid in the fog

Each of us is like a pharaoh who builds his highest pyramid. We are not confused by the fact that due to fog the horizon is not visible and neighboring pyramids are not visible. The height of our pyramid directly depends on the width of the base. The crisis comes at a time when the pyramid is ready and the fog is a little off. As they say NeLPery: "Oops, the card was too small."

You walk around the world all so pure and joyful and stumble upon Freud. "Cool, how could I not understand where all desires come from." Winged, you put it (Freud =) and here and there ...

But soon you notice that Darwin and Freud somehow explained everything narrowly and stumble upon Jung. "Oh, it's not just sex." Having learned about the archetypes, you already begin to assess the personalities of others by the slightest manifestations of personal behavior, and in the end this game is also annoying.
Then comes NLP. Why, the very possibility of imperceptible impact on others is attractive, but having learned this system, you understand that it is not your goal to manipulate others (and yourself) (and the means are somehow not impressive).

Because on the horizon loomed Esoterica. Castaneda, with his magical experiences and intelligible roads in 5-7 different schools, no longer seems to be easy reading, and his teaching looks global in comparison with everything previously seen. It was as if a pyramid appeared twice out of the fog twice the height of all the previous ones.

And behind it is even more global construction - Yogic views.

And what will be higher than her?

How high can a single individual climb in such a short time, how can life and how much can he do by putting such high systems in his service?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5653/

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