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Openmoko: Epic Fail?

In the community of supporters of the Open Source-smartphones of the project Openmoko, quite a dull mood has hung in a long time. And the reasons for this - the mass. But here, it seems, the last drop arrived.

Steve Mosher of Openmoko Inc. in the mailing list, he said that the work on the creation of GTA03 (this is the code name of the next smartphone from Openmoko) is no longer under way.

The reasons are trivial: not enough resources. Generally speaking, practice has shown that they are not enough even to bring FreeRunner to mind. Only one community of Open Source-enthusiasts "get off" failed.
Sad enough coming out. It is possible that it is too early to “bury”, but personally it’s already difficult for me to imagine what should happen to the project so that it soars up to the beautiful ideals that were set during its creation.

PS A few details about the fateful letter Mosher'a in Russian published on linuxphone.ru .

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56521/

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