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The people project

The People Project is a new initiative in the world of Open Source, designed to unite all the data about your friends and interlocutors into one meta contact. Data from social networks, blog posts, podcasts, IM, e-mail messages can now easily be tied to a specific person, which will eliminate the need to track events in the lives of friends over dozens of sites, and most importantly provide an API that allows you to interact with these data.
Now The People Project is developed primarily in the framework of the GNOME project, interacting with programs via D-Bus. The project is written in Vala , already ready to bind to GLib, Python and C #.
Empathy (client IM), Gimmie (launchpad), Soylent (something that best gives an idea of ​​The People Project), Seahorse (key manager) have already announced their intention to integrate The People Project.
At the moment, we have already managed to implement support for Google Contacts, Twitter, Friendfeed and Last.fm. Now developers are working on support for Facebook, OpenSocial, Telepathy, Launchpad, Ohloh, Gravatar and others.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56515/

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