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Import news from one format in WordPress

I thought that here I would probably be helped to solve my problem. I used the php + mysql Virtuanews engine (virtuanews.co.uk) on the site, now the support for this engine is closed and the domain is not working. So, I decided to change the engine on the site, on WordPress 2.7.1 (Lecactus Edition) and I am looking for help, convert the base of mysql, into WordPress format, in order to import posts. I know how to do import-export, but how can I convert the base (the part in which the topics and headings are contained) or do some other shamanic actions so that all the news will appear in WordPrese? If anyone knows - please tell me! The base that I need to bring to the WordPress format I put on Narod.ru/disk/7405716000/db_backup_05-04-2009.sql.html People (it weighs about 11 megabytes). Thanks in advance for your help!


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56506/

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