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We display nodes on Google Maps

Suppose that we have a fairly simple task - to show the location of objects (nodes, users) on the map. For example, offices , or, say, gift shops . Those. we have to get a page where the map with the location of all objects of a given type is displayed, and show the map on the page of each individual object. It will be about the 6th version of Drupal , but in 5-ke everything is the same (to be honest, the screen at the end was shot exactly with Drupal 5). To accomplish this task, I will use the following modules: GMAP , Location , Views ( I also use CCK & Contemplate on my site, but they are so auxiliary in this task that we shouldn’t talk about them). inclusion of modules So, swing-turn. For GMAP to work properly, we’ll need to get the Google Maps API Key from Google . The deal is free and fast. The resulting key is entered in the GMAP settings, then we set the settings for the card. GMap settings Then we will have to configure the Location module (it is the Location ... it was looking for a long time) Location module settings
The main thing that should concern us here is the country and the daw "Use a Google Map to set latitude and longitude" Well, now let's allow the use of geolocation for our materials. So, I already have the type of material "Office", the entries in which I will be mapping: allow the use of coordinates for nodes Above, I indicated that for each entry there can be only one address, I set the city and country by default. It remains quite a bit: create a map where all the objects will be shown and display the map on the page of the object itself. Output the shared map via the View: creating a view for displaying data on a map The main thing here - Style: Gmap. Well, the list of fields with the filter ... Now it remains to show the map on the page of the office itself. Here it is necessary to get into the code a little. So, in the template for this type of materials I added the following construction: <?php print gmap_simple_map($node->locations[0]['latitude'], $node->locations[0]['longitude'], '', '<strong>'.$node->locations[0]['name'].'</strong><br/>'.$node->locations[0]['street'], 15, '650px', '400px', FALSE,''); ?> <?php print gmap_simple_map($node->locations[0]['latitude'], $node->locations[0]['longitude'], '', '<strong>'.$node->locations[0]['name'].'</strong><br/>'.$node->locations[0]['street'], 15, '650px', '400px', FALSE,''); ?> Ie I draw a map of 650x400 pixels, show a marker on it, in the description window I write the name of the node and the address. That is, in fact, everything ... Let's try it in action? Add a record and put down the location there:
editing the material, specify the coordinates Let's see what the map looks like on the object page: Singer's house on the map This is the page with the list of objects. So far, there are only 2 of them, so not too impressive: office map However, it is possible to show, say, the list of gift shops in St. Petersburg or the location of the lion statues in St. Petersburg : list of gift stores in St. Petersburg


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56505/

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