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Free certification exam for undergraduate and graduate students

By the beginning of spring, Microsoft had prepared an unprecedented gift for students - under the DreamSpark program, you can now get a free voucher for passing the certification exam for the status of Microsoft Certified Technology Specialist !

You have the opportunity not only to test your knowledge for free, but also to receive a certificate of a specialist who will help your employer in the future to get a clear idea of ​​your qualifications. Read more about certification in the Microsoft Certification Program Review .

Hurry up, the offer is quite limited and will not work for so long. Therefore, it is better to order a certification voucher right now. It will be possible to use the voucher until June 30, so you will have time to prepare.

How to access this offer? You need to register in the DreamSpark program (via the website dreamspark.ru ), and from there go to the page with the offer. After receiving the voucher, order yourself an exam at any Prometric certification center (before that we recommend to read the registration frequently asked questions ).
Do not wait for later, order a voucher and start preparing for the exam right now! For training, it is convenient to use IT Academy Student Pass materials and other learning resources available through DreamSpark.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56494/

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