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Effective management of windows in KWin, or manage desktops

This article will help us distribute the necessary windows on the desktops. To start, create more desktops (right-click on the switch -> Configure desktops). It is also desirable to customize the display of the desktop name in the properties of the desktop applet.

In KWin, there is such a thing as special window settings; it will help us move the window we need to the desired desktop.

It is located in Systemsettings -> Window Behavior.

1. Create a new entry, for example for Dolphin:

"Window class" in 99% of cases coincides with the name of the application. In my case, only VLC had to define a title instead of a window class.

The role of the window also does not matter in the usual case. But if you need to configure the same behavior for all browsers, you need to choose the role of the browser window. Arora and Firefox have picked up this role.

In the second tab, you can select the type of window, or customize the definition of the title: for VLC it will be needed.

The third tab is the most interesting for us: geometry settings.
In the simplest case, you only need to adjust the window to the desired desktop, but you can configure other placement options.

The parameter "Apply initially" is suitable in 99% of cases.

In the fourth and fifth tab, you can customize additional options to taste.

This is a cross-article with Welinux.ru

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56489/

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