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Meeting24.tv - a new "cozy" video conferencing system

Meeting24.tv is a new web conferencing system that allows you to simultaneously connect up to 24 users. It has an ascetic and clear interface. According to the developer, the main advantage of the service compared to existing analogues: TokBox or Skype is simplicity and specialization only at web conferences.

The startup was launched by the Japanese company WIT and is available in two languages ​​- Japanese and English.

There are two types of accounts - “basic” and “pro”. "Pro" account is necessary for those who are in the mode of communication for more than a day.
The service does not require the installation of clients and other software on the user's computer.

When registering, to put it mildly, it is not entirely clear what we subscribe to, but on the whole, everything runs smoothly.

Conclusion: convenient and simple service. True, the lack of a contact list can hardly be attributed to the benefits, as the developer assures us.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56482/

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