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About working with people

I continue to write interesting thoughts from the books I have read. Some that are close to me, I want to share. Briefly about working with people ...

On the selection of new employees
You read someone's resume, and on paper this person fits just perfectly. But something tells: you need to continue the search. This “something” is inside. And here you meet another person, and this quiet voice says to you: “Here he is!” Or “Here she is!”. In this case, you need to immediately hire a person, bring him up to date and leave alone. So do good leaders who make the right choice gut, not head. A head manager must learn a single rule: always trust what the inner voice prompts.

About the team
People always go for the heart, not behind the head. They will never be with you simply because you are smarter, or because you always make the right decisions. They follow you because they love you.
On a successful project
Projects succeed just as much as those who make them can work together. For real project success, close and warm relationships within the team are needed. And how to achieve this? No way. You can only lay the foundation. Do not hinder this. Create a suitable setting. And if you're lucky, it will happen. It is also important to have a common worldview. You can instill a team quality work cult. You can convince people that their team is the best in the world. It is the worldview that unites people.

So, it is necessary to manage the heart, to feel inside, to invest in the team and the project soul.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56463/

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