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Readability of web pages from Arc90

For such an awkward word, such as readability (Readability), hides a very elegant and quite effective development of the New York company Arc90 .

The guys did an extremely simple, but equally useful thing, namely: Readability - a bookmarklet (a small JavaScript program designed as a URL and saved as a browser bookmark) or, as they say, a tab on steroids, which saves the web page from advertising junk and allows you to customize the text to your taste.

Often, in order to read the page normally, we have to press Print view. Now it’s enough to set the preferred text formatting once and add Readability to the bookmarks. After that, it is enough to click on a bookmark while on the page so that the page content is magically transformed, so that even a rollicking udaff.com can be read without attracting too much attention.
Before Readbility

After Readbility

The creators themselves quite clearly explain the idea of ​​their experiment. Despite the fact that the video is in English, to understand the essence is easy.

Readability: An Arc90 Lab Experiment from Arc90 on Vimeo .

It is clear that, like any experiment, the development needs to be discussed and improved. Therefore, the authors suggest that we follow the further development of this and other laboratory projects through rss , as well as express our authoritative user opinion on the blog .

For developers, open and code .

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Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56460/

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