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IBM buys Sun Microsystems for $ 7 billion.

Unfortunately, what I was so afraid of happened. April 1 is long gone and the New York Times is not joking . What can this mean for us? Describe the situation as I see it.

1. IBM will either sell (to whom ???) MySQL or gradually kill it, pushing its DB2 into the Community
2. The future of Solaris is generally in question. Why does he need an IBM
3. Same for NetBeans. I think version 7 will be the last: (
4. A lot of pressure on the Java community to push through their decisions. I advise you to play with the WebSphere ... Get used to it

IBM has a very strict and tough process. Sun Microsystems office, in general, razdolbayskaya with a fairly democratic microclimate. Such a takeover will clearly cause dissatisfaction with some top engineers at Sun and ... they will follow in the footsteps of Joshua Bloch.
I'm most concerned about the fate of Java and NetBeans. What do you think?

UPD: did not agree yet http://lenta.ru/news/2009/04/06/ibm/

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56457/

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