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Version 2.5 of the popular free and first-person shooter Nexuiz released

After a year of development, a new release of Nexuiz 2.5 was released, in which about three thousand changes were noted. Nexuiz is a popular free (GPL2 +), multiplatform (GNU / Linux, Windows, OSX) 3D first person shooter game based on the Dark Places engine, which is a heavily redesigned engine of the first Quake. Dark Places was developed for 6 years, a rather big term that made me remember the words of Verbitsky from his article Bagels :
The absence of a hard copyright and free access to the source code is necessary for the existence of computer games as text, that is, part of the living subculture. As a result of the insane and suffocating system of copyrights, mainstream computer games turned into a kind of Hollywood film, frozen, lifeless and absolutely non-stimulating, that is, leading (like Hollywood films) to the total stupor of the public. Hollywood is a genocide of the soul, just as Hitlerism is a genocide of the body. And it is not clear what is best.




Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56455/

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