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Silicon Valley Pirates

News is not called. The film "Pirates of Silicon Valley" was released a long time ago. Meanwhile, surely there are many people on Habré who did not watch this film.

The plot revolves around the birth and development of Apple. The story comes in the name of Steve Wozniak. I hope everyone knows this person? Steve appears to us in the bright image of a good guy. Virtually all the other main characters are depicted as bastards and scoundrels.

Initially, everything is great. Two (now world renowned) friends of a beggar student and hang out on their own computer model. Jobs is full of energy. He is the ideologist of the project, his driving force, his core. While Wozniak fiddles (pun?) With printed circuit boards, Jobs makes magical passes with his hands and gives speeches, and in his free time he smokes marijuana and enjoys eastern religions.

Jobs and Wozniak
Luck overtakes Apple quite quickly. What helps Jobs's excess dizziness (whose true guise is vanity and arrogance) to become even more redundant. Not only does he ugly treat his staff (poor programmers), he also gives up a girl pregnant with him.

Do not lag behind the guys from Microsoft. Absolute nerd and ridiculous Gates successfully divorces the company IBM, selling them a non-existent operating system. Then it quickly outbids DOS from its creator and issues it as its product.

Jobs and Gates

But most of all in the film it is a pity, of course, not the fat cats of the blue giant. And not even an abandoned pregnant girl (Jobs still eventually recognizes the child). You feel real sympathy for the guys from the Xerox Research Center. These inventors of the mouse and graphical user interface have lost all their innovations thanks to the chipper management. The meeting of the Directorate of the great and mighty copying company from the outside is like a collection of idols from Easter Island. Starpers did not understand what their engineers were showing them. But we will see true torment on the faces of the inventors at a time when Jobs, brilliant in his self-confidence, will grab their brainchild.

Microsoft is visiting Apple

Jobs himself will experience similar feelings when he finds out about a thing called Windows. In the Gates movie, Apple does everything that can and cannot be done. And then, as I understand it, also becomes a shareholder of the apple company. Maykrosoftovts conscience, apparently, is absent as a class.

As our correspondent Zorin said in the 80s: "Here it is, the true face of America." Let me remind you that the classics of Marxism warned us about the horrors of capitalism.

As a result, the evil is partially punished. Due to bad behavior, Jobs suffered, who was fired from his own office. Probably, it went to his advantage and he, having comprehended all the unrighteousness of his actions, began to improve.

Gates was not injured. Probably, the authors of the film plan to punish his character in the second series. If any will ever be charged.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/5645/

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