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MTS arbitrarily adds services

I receive a monthly invoice from MTS with the information on expenses for a month, and today I decided to look at the invoice for the last month and I was surprised to find additional expenses in one of the numbers that could not be.
This is the number of my child and usually he calls no more than 5-6 minutes per month.

I checked my other rooms and miraculously found additional paid services that I did not order !!!
But most of all I am surprised at the date of addition, which coincides with the date of the last tariff change, which was two years ago !!!

I recommend to check the list of connected services at your rate.
I accidentally noticed, since few calls were made to this number and the additional costs were immediately visible, by the other two numbers this was not visible, since the amount of the added service is small.


Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56448/

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