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2D games on XNA can now be run through a browser!

If you write 2D games for PC, Zune and XBOX using Microsoft XNA tools, then I have very good news for you: now you can play your games through the browser!
On Codeplex (hosting for opensource projects from Microsoft), a library has appeared that emulates XNA functions on the Silverlight platform, it is called XN4SL .


At the moment, XN4SL is in beta now at number 2.

A working example of a game ported to Silverlight can be found here .

Microsoft XNA is a set of computer game developer tools developed by Microsoft, which aims to facilitate game development.

Microsoft Silverlight is a browser plugin that allows you to run applications containing animation, vector graphics and audio-video clips, the main competitor of Adobe Flash.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56441/

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