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Yii - what a beast?

What is it?

Yii (acronym for yes, it is) is a high-performance component-oriented PHP framework best suited for scalable web applications. Yii appeared with a wide range of features, including MVC, DAO / ActiveRecord, I18N / L10N, jQuery-based AJAX support, role-based access control, scaffolding, input validation, widgets, events, themes, web services and much more. Written in pure OOP, Yii is easy to use, and also extremely flexible and extensible.

It was a translation of the description from the official site. And now a few words from myself.

Current version: 1.0.3. The project is developing very rapidly. Releases are released every month and the release 1.0.4 should be released the other day.

Where is it?

Official site of the project: www.yiiframework.com
Russian forum thread

So what is next?

This blog will be devoted to everything that is somehow connected with this framework. Watch out for new topics.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56421/

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