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Industrial Design: Eraser ← Backspace

Just got such an idea.
The eraser "← Backspace"
I know that Lebedev already has a similar Delete eraser, but is not inspired by watching artlebedev =)

I wonder how much it costs to order such erasers, if at all? He began to search, but found nothing worthwhile. And it would be interesting to order a small batch of pieces in one hundred and two hundred.

Or, it would be possible to try to print an inscription on monophonic erasers without any identifying marks. But here are two questions: do such erasers sell (I haven’t met), and if so, does anyone print on them (again, I haven’t seen this, and haven’t found it in search engines)?
By the way, where to move the topic :)?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56419/

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