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Gnome 3.0 through the eyes of the user

If you periodically read news and blogs dedicated to GNU / Linux, you probably already heard that today the Gnome developers decided to come to grips with the development of detailed plans for the major release of the Gnome 3.0 desktop environment (Gnome 2.30).
If you missed this news, let me remind you: it is supposed that work on the new main release will be carried out in three main areas:

* Change user interface and work tools.
* Modernization of the platform. Transition to Gtk + 3, in which software and binary interfaces (API / ABI) will be significantly changed, some subsystems are reworked and outdated code removed.
* Popularize GNOME.

However, I would like to elaborate on two new technologies expected in Gnome 3.0 and intended for the end user, which can completely change the approach to the construction of the workspace.

The first of these, Gnome Shell, is a replacement for the usual launchpad and window manager. The essence of Gnome Shell is to further simplify parallel work with several workspaces (virtual desktops), which can bring the developers ’long-standing dreams of a task-oriented user’s work environment closer (programs, documents, contacts in IM will be selected depending on what are you doing now). If we try to describe what Gnome Shell is now, then we can say that it is a mixture of the Gnome Panel, Compiz, and the launch menu used in openSUSE. However, do not forget that the project is still in early development, but it will already be optionally available in Gnome 2.28.

The second novelty that awaits us in Gnome 3.0 is the new format for displaying documents, based not on the hierarchy of the file system, but on all sorts of information about files, such as data type, location, creation time, names, labels, comments, etc. It should be said that such a file manager was already developed a decent time ago - it was Codename Nemo , which also, instead of targeting the file structure, allowed you to watch files by the date they were created and modified (the project unfortunately died).

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56405/

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