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Notepad ++ for HTML / CSS Layout

Greetings, colleagues!

The topic “Acceleration of layout - yes Notepad ++ will help” and the article by Vadim Makeyev “Zen Coding 2.0. Concept ” pushed me to the idea of ​​extending the functionality of the Notepad ++ editor, which is necessary for the html / css-coder, which had long been born in my head.

In fact, I want to implement the concept of "Zen Coding" in this editor, as well as a couple of things. And all this will be released as a separate edition of NP ++ with pre-installed plug-ins and functionality necessary for the typesetter, under GPL licensing.
The points:
  1. embed Zen HTML;
  2. embed zen css
  3. write a plugin for project management;
  4. write an analogue of the Function List to simplify work with groups of classes, identifiers, blocks of rules;
  5. disable all unnecessary functionality for layout.

Are any of you willing to help in writing a plugin (possibly C ++) for this editor?

If someone has a desire to participate in this good deed, write to me in a personal.

Comments and collective discussions are welcomed in every way, because the essence of the project is not just the transfer of Zen Coding to NP ++, but also the fine-tuning of the editor's functionality.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56396/

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