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Fast upgrade from FreeBSD 7.0 to 7.1

In general, the article was written more for myself - not to forget, but who can come in handy.

I wanted to upgrade FreeBSD from version 7.0-GENERIC-p11 to fresh 7.1-GENERIC-p4.
Of course, there was no desire to assemble the core from the Sorsov, so I decided to update it automatically.
So, the commands (run as root):

[root @ server ~] # freebsd-update -r 7.1-RELEASE upgrade
The updater will check the system and ask if it’s convenient that such and such modules will be updated, but such ones will not. We answer yes, then the download of updates will start - a lot, I have given 32850 packages - we are waiting for the end of the process. May drag on for several hours.

[root @ server ~] # freebsd-update install

We start installing the downloaded updates. At the end, he will ask you to check the changed configs (I strongly recommend you edit right away) and reboot. The kernel is being updated.

[root @ server ~] # shutdown -r now

We reboot ;-)
In some cases (I did not understand the cause of the bug) after the reboot, the system does not find the kernel loader and throws out an invitation to enter the path to it. Enter / boot / loader - and voila!

[root @ server ~] # freebsd-update install

Install the remaining updates.
Quest done!

All actions are done at your own peril and risk, of course.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56391/

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