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Google Suggest is localized for 155 domains.

Google made localization of Google Suggest tips for 155 domains in 51 languages ​​at one stroke. All the work was done by a team of programmers from the Israeli branch.

Perhaps, localization takes into account search queries made specifically from this region.

According to habrakat - some interesting examples of national differences in the work of Google Suggest.

For example, if you enter [liver] in the UK, you will receive clues about Liverpool, and from the United States - about liver diseases (“liver” is “liver”).

In Australia, with the introduction of the first three characters [kan] hints appear with the mention of the most famous animal on the Green Continent.

In India, which is now rapidly covering the network of cellular networks, there is not even an alternative, which may mean the beginning of the word [no].

In Ireland, [pubs] are everywhere.

Even the Maldives atolls have their own specific needs.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56363/

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