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Opening of a venture capital fund

googleventures On March 31, the well-known non-evil company announced the creation of Google Ventures venture capital fund, which “is looking for great companies that are ready for growth” in a wide range of areas: consumer internet, development (both software and hardware), biotechnology, healthcare and many others.

In addition to Google itself, the fund is also managed by Bill Maris (Bill Maris), well-known for founding the hosting company Burlee.com and Rich Miner, co-founder of the Android mobile platform. No information was received from officials about the amount of money available in the fund, but the site talks about the possibility of "investing in various scales, ranging from the seed stage (seed and pre-seed) to tens of millions of dollars."

There is no doubt that if the fund sees a good opportunity to make investments, Google and two managers will not huddle because of two or three millions. But throwing money at all is not in the style of this company. The goal of the fund is not only to help create “great companies”, but also “long-term profitability”.
Google Ventures via Mashable

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56359/

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