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Linux Foundation talks about bad faith and Microsoft lies

image The Linux Foundation , a nonprofit organization that develops and promotes Linux on a broad scale and not very large numbers, quite officially responded to a recent patent dispute between Microsoft and TomTom (the former accused the latter of violating a number of Microsoft patents with code allegedly contained in the Linux kernel).

The Linux Foundation executive director, Jim Zemlin, wrote a post on his blog commenting on the current situation.

Jim writes unequivocally that Microsoft, which had recently sworn in its “openness” and begged critics to judge it by its actions on the open source field, clearly demonstrated its own false and monopolistic nature with its recent actions. The latest patent war proves that it is impossible to trust a proprietary giant who does not have the slightest desire to support truly open technologies.
As a partial solution to the accumulated problems and disagreements between Microsoft and the OpenSource world, Jim proposes to abandon the cornerstone of problems - the FAT file system and encourages all developers to use open alternatives in their products without burdens and patents. Deftly playing with words, Jim rightly writes that FAT is a fat in development and production that requires immediate liposuction, and Microsoft is like a leopard trying to erase its spots.

Obviously, no manufacturer of a specific product, ranging from flash cards to portable data storage, will be able in the blink of an eye to refuse to license the most popular file system in their products and switch to, for example, Ext3, which is hinted at by Jim Zemlin. But the Linux Foundation seems determined to help solve the situation for anyone who wants to solve it.

Jim Zemlin's Blog via ArsTechnica

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56356/

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