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We master the new format. SlideCast. First attempt - “How did the IT market change in 2009?”

I thought about the topic that simply laying out the slides after the performance is the loss of 80% of the information. And I wanted to try to post something like a roller.
Yesterday I spent all day searching for a program, but I didn’t find anything and the community was not helping either

As a result, an option was found. In the standard PowerPOint 2007 there is such an option as voice recording.
Spoken text on slides and laid out on slideboom.com

And that's all.
Slideboom he converted it into a video clip.
How simple.

Well, the report concerns the prospects for the development of the IT market in 2009. If interested, you can look at my site.

What do you think? Is it worth further messing with this format?
If interested, then step by step I will do the instructions, but everything is very simple there.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56355/

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