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Experience offline action of one Internet project

What. The first article in "Not a startup." In this article I will talk about how we carried out an offline campaign for our target audience. It is interesting that the action attracted new participants, was widely covered in the media, improved the loyalty of the current audience, attracted the attention of citizens. While the cost per share is minimal.

The action took place in Nizhny Novgorod. The site is a wedding. Inside details :)

The action is called "Brides in the big city." The forum gathered participants who were already married, who already had wedding dresses. We made bouquets, make-up, etc. for all the participants (there were 20 of them). - everything was free. Free - because flower shops, beauty salons, limousines and much more - it was at the expense of our customers, who provided all these services. In fact, it was their PR.

A press release was compiled, which was done by professional journalists. In fact, it is very important to write correctly, clearly, with all the details, but at the same time briefly. As it turned out, the most important thing was to get into the news feeds of two local information agencies. After that, our press release was perceived by other media very well, many came to us themselves. Some have already come, without warning, to the action itself.

The action consisted of two stages. The first - brides and escorts (media, photographers, videographers, husbands, friends, site participants not directly involved in the action, and others) rode 5 limousines in central places of the city, walked along the central street of the city, and created great interest around themselves. At the same time, leaflets about the project were distributed to passersby. Almost everyone opened their mouths :) and gladly took flyers. Distributed advertisements to those who fit the target audience: couples in love, girls aged 20-30.

The second - after a walk around the city, everyone came to a cafe, and there was a show program, a demonstration of various achievements of the wedding business, and of course they fed everyone (for free - the cafe also provides its services for weddings). Also in the cafe were invited girls who just have a wedding.

As a result, information about this action passed (this already, in addition to the interestingness of the action itself, a press release worked) on 3 local TV channels, about 5-8 newspapers wrote, almost all local online publications received information, were actively discussed on local websites, the participants wrote in their personal blogs, the participants themselves created a group about the vkontakte action, many professionals added works from this action to their portfolio (each one has its own: photographers - pictures, videographers - videos, etc.). Those. PR turned out to be very powerful, with sufficiently large time investments (that is, they spent their time) and small financial ones.

This action took place in the summer of 2008. We have already begun to prepare this action again, there will be “Brides in the big city II”.

Detailed report of the action

And what actions you carried out?

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56351/

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