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There is no perfect job

Of course, the most stupid and useless question from HR to the applicant: “Why would you like to work in our company?”
It is believed that thereby verifying the user's loyalty to the company. But it is not.


What does the applicant usually answer to the question “Why would you want to get this job?”
He starts to ruffle and babble like:
- Working in a prestigious company will increase my self-esteem \ social status \ girls will love me ...
- Work will give me opportunities for growth \ prospects \ opportunity to learn new \ open another part of the scope of my profession ...
- I'm looking for applying my professional skills that were not previously involved ...
- I hope that my skills / knowledge / experience will allow me, having worked for a while, to get promoted / another position / department management ...
The perfect spherical employer is not interested in improving their employees. Why?

Because the world long ago flooded American economic theory. Russians learned about this quite recently. In Rush, there were no promises for the emergence of a protest by beatniks, there were no real reasons for the emergence of a hippie ideology through denial of war (there was a denial of fathers ’satiety); As a result, there were no reasons for the appearance of the yuppie - the generation of “white-collar workers” - workaholics, swindlers and careerists, who rolled the wallstrip like a bitch steep slide.

What does AET tell us? What is the main direction of work, the sole purpose of the activity
commercial organization - making a profit. Any ways and means. Including cost reduction.
So, the spherical employer in a vacuum is not interested:
- to improve the skills of their employees,
- in expanding the horizons of the employee,
- to improve the immediate professional skills of the employee,
- to improve working conditions,
- to raise the employee on the career ladder,
- to improve the quality of the product,
- in the long-term planning of product servicing,
- just in preliminary planning and design,
- and in a heap of everything that can be reduced.

NRV is interested in gaining profit. And then he is looking at where he can be invested: to fire workers, hire new ones, hire a support service, invest in advertising - with one goal: to get more money. People - only consumables. There is no irreplaceable. The employer is interested in an ideal spherical worker, whom he hires to perform a well-defined task, even if he cannot formulate it.

The applicant must reject the spiritual struggle between good and bubble. Salvage on this field wins under any initial conditions.
And finally, it’s clear to HR that a person goes to a company, not because it’s% companyname%, but because there is either more money or less expenses (which is basically the same thing). And all these, ah-oh, hammocks in Google's office is just a special device for sucking the brain.

Going to an interview, you need to be strengthened in a few thoughts: this office is shit, and this work is shit, and the salary is also shit. And you will be doomed to do shit from shit for shit half the conscious time of life.

If a company representative cannot clearly answer a simple question: why is there such a wonderful employee in the company, like you, it is better not to go there.

So that!

For example, a typical govnovakansiya programmer:
- knowledge: a bunch of abbreviations belonging to different areas (which means they are looking for an enikee)
- Requirements: the ability to understand someone else's code (ahtung !!!)
- education and work experience is not important, the presence of a portfolio (= we are looking for a govnokodera)
- we have: a good team, friendly atmosphere, coffee (there is probably nothing more to offer)

PS: "your business card - shit" did not work out specifically :)
original v.grumy.ru/blog/418.html

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56340/

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