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Braille on the touch screen

A new type of touchscreen can display Braille on cell phone screens, making mobile content accessible to the blind after a small workout. The most important thing is that this can be done with already existing displays ( after revision - Approx. Transl. ).

Braille on the touch screen

Researchers at the University of Tampere (Finland) took the Nokia 770 Internet Tablet and wrote an application to it that controls the piezoelectric layer of the touch screen, and thus simulates Braille font points.

When the user touches the screen, the protruding points of the font are “depicted” with fast and strong pulses. Troughs correspond to a weaker and longer vibration. As New Scientist writes, referring to the original source , the pause between points is 360 ms and one character is read in approximately 1.25 seconds. Because of the output of characters consistently point-by-point, people who are accustomed to perceiving all the points of a symbol at the same time require (short) getting used to the new method.
The described technology can be used in any phone with a display containing a piezoelectric layer. The project is still experimental, but very soon it can become a reality.

Source: https://habr.com/ru/post/56325/

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